Yakisakana is Grilled Fish


Hashimoto-san came to hawaii 2 days ago. i took him surfing the afternoon he arrived and the waves were pretty big. i’d say shoulder high with head high sets and that was the biggest surf he’s been in. then yesterday morning, the big south swell hit. the waves were way overhead, consistent, and very powerful. we paddled out anyway and Hashimoto-san did awesome. he caught some big waves and made it back out easily. 2 back to back days of the biggest waves in his surfing life. i was stoked to experience it with him. welcome to the big wave world Hashimoto-san!
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Ryosuke asks me when he picks us up from the airport “what do you want to eat?” i told him, grilled fish! so we went to a izakaya called Kuroshio and had an awesome dinner. my first time eating a flounder like this. oishikatta!
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and yaki sakana means grilled fish. we don’t have this back home in hawaii so that’s why i crave it so much. tasty, healthy, and good with a cold draft beer.
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and another favorite. raw chicken liver. it melts in your mouth. yummy! thanks to Ryosuke, Naohiro, Naoka, Seigo, and Kyle for a wonderful izakaya night in wakayama.
well, since i slept over 4 hours on the flight, i only needed a few hours of sleep last night. i got up at 4am and was checking my email. i have 7 full days here so going to maximize every minute of it. once everybody gets up, the plan will be made, and we will move. stay tuned for a great culture experience in west japan!
