Smart Baby: Image Training


baby Mateus comes to my house almost everyday. while i’m working on my computer, he comes to my room and jumps on my bed. then he stares at the photos hanging on my wall. he points at it and says “uuuurfing.” which means surfing. he’s been doing that for the past few months so i can tell he was getting interested.
i’m sure he’s picturing himself surfing too. baby image training? this is how i learned so this is how i teach. it has to be a good first experience or else the kid will never again touch the water. i’ve seen too many parents throwing their kids on boards too early and that kid will never surf in their life. you really have to take it slow and make sure it’s the right time, right conditions, and right feeling.
then when i ask him “where is the surfboard?” he walks to the living room and points to the surfboard.
he stares at it from top to bottom. i’m sure he’s imagining himself riding it.
then Mateus gives me the face “hey uncle, when you going take me surfing?” so i just didn’t take this baby and throw him on my board. i’ve been mentally training him to surf. i’ve been creating a desire, a dream, a fantasy. when we got to the beach yesterday, he already knew what we where there for. he was staring at all the surfers coming in and out of the water. this kid can’t even talk but i know what he’s thinking.
and after we surf, like every surfer, he takes a little nap. in the baby seat and in his diapers. haha.
check out the video of Mateus first wave. so cute!
