Hawaiian Double Rainbow…

good evening from hawaii. check out this awesome double rainbow this morning in hawaii kai….

it was stretching from hawaii kai to diamond head. what an awesome way to start the dive day off…. wanted to thank kyle, cathy, and keith for taking me diving. we jumped on kyle’s boat this morning at the hawaii kai boat ramp and drove all the way down to sand island. got some good dives in and seen some pretty cool things. like turtles, sharks and stuff. it felt pretty good diving on somebody else’s boat. i usually go diving on my boat. it’s pretty stressful because i’m always worrying about things like, if it’s going to break, it’s going to sink, the anchor getting stuck, or losing somebody, or getting hassled by the coast guard. it’s just there in the back of your mind when diving. so today it was cool going on somebody else’s boat. i still think about things but it’s just a little less stressing. now i know how my friends feel when the go diving with me. no stress. lucky guys. and how’s this? when it’s time to go dive, they call in sick to work, leave their girlfriends behind, or practically drop everything to go dive. that’s the fun part. but when my boat is broken, it’s funny how everybody is too busy. have to go to work, or have to take the girlfriend shopping. classic…. haha…. so come on guys, my boat is out of commission now so call and offer some help…..

getting back to today, here’s our catch. good for nitsuke. there should be a small mahimahi in this photo but that sucker got away. i speared it good and somehow, it got off and ran into the deep blue. lucky fishy…. it was so funny because when i pressed the trigger, i was thinking “sashimi”…. maybe next time…

i usually don’t dive with a dive watch because i tend to always look at it. and when i’m deep down and look at it, i kind of stress out and head back up. but after all this diving and mental training i’ve been doing, i was curious to see how deep i’m diving now days so i took it with me today. i went down to the bottom on this one dive and knew it was deep because it felt like it took forever getting down. so there i was, cruzing on the bottom looking for some big fish to come in. waited a while and nothing came so i started to head up. made it back to the surface easily. looked at my watch and it recorded 67ft or 22m. i was pretty stoked that i can dive that deep relaxed. if i went diving 2 months ago and was down 67ft and looked at my watch while i was down there, sayonara…. i would have raced up for air and probably blacked out. i’ve been diving with good divers so i’ve been learning a lot. just by watching, i feel like i’m getting better. and also asking a million questions. you know me. haha.. anyway, i’m not diving with my watch until i think i’m hitting 100ft. then i’ll check it again. that’s my goal… but for now, the only thing deep tonight is my sleeping….. good night….

I'm Sure Going to Miss Her….

gone diving….

UH 10-0 BELIEVE!!!!

yeah, believe!!! we won lastnight and i’m still buzzing over it. what an awesome game. this was this mornings paper. other news, the super ferry resumes dec. 1st to maui. $29/person and $55 for your car. what a deal….

i went into my garage to check out a small leak in my boat. it turned out to be a big crack and about 3 gallons of water came out. bummer. that’s the junk part about having a boat. it’s super high maintenance. more than a girlfriend. haha… i ended up sanding it for 2 hours and ended up getting resin dust in my hair and eyes….

then i saw oil dripping from the engine. i ended up taking the whole bottom apart. thank goodness for my phone camera. if i didn’t take this photo, i won’t know how to put everything back. i found the problem and have to pick up the parts monday. so resin dust all over me, sticky resin all over my hands, and now grease to add to the mess. yuck….. i went surfing…

didn’t expect to surf any good waves but when i pulled up to diamond head, oh my gosh. the waves were so good. overhead and clean. lighthouse was going off. got a lot of waves, cleaned up my body, refreshed my mind, and i’m feeling pretty good now….

a couple of spam musubi’s for lunch. so good….. for those of you who don’t know, spam is hawaiian steak. and no place in the world consumes spam more than hawaii…

this is kevin who’s stationed in okinawa. he rode his bike along the sea wall and this tuna jumped in his basket. the spear was just for the photo. haha, just joking kevin… nice fish…

and this is robb with 2 huge uku’s. sashimi or steam. so good….. now i want to go diving again…..