Monthly Archives: July 2012

Free Hotel: Surfers Style


It’s 10:15pm and time for sleep after a wonderful yakiniku dinner. A long trip here but happy to be on this beautiful island. Fresh air, clean water, good weather, and lots of friends. Took lots of photos today but too tired to upload them. Sorry. Going to try to sleep with this mosquito in the car.
Had a fun day and looking forward to the days to. One. I heard big waves? I hope so.
A few other surf cars in the parking lot. It gets lighted at 4:15am so be back then. おやすみなさい

Yakiniku night!


We are friends!
We are Go-Naminori!
Goodnight from Shikoku!
Tomorrow morning wake up at 4am.
Surf all day!

Evening session

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I love Shikoku!
Friends and smiles and 2 rounds!
Beer time!