Monthly Archives: August 2014

Ahi Fever!

ever since i came home, the waves have been super fun. and everybody saying i didn’t miss anything as it was small the whole time. makes me feel pretty good. having fun surfing these perfect waves these past 2 days. and 2 of my friends told me yesterday “gosh, hawaii is so HOT!” i told them “you guys don’t know what HOT is.” haha.
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had a wonderful afternoon surfing with the Watanabe-san crew! Michiko-san, Noe-chan, Watanabe-san, and Taka-san. the waves were so perfect and everybody caught some long rides. what a great family! see you guys again in a couple of weeks!
and want to thank Watanabe-san for all the maguro “ahi” treats. after all the great sashimi and all these snacks, i have absolutely no motivation to go fishing for ahi anymore. thank you very much!
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know what this is? this is the most tenderest and most expensive beef tongue in the world. it was amazing!
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Josh Moniz on trucks? i got these photos from my sister. it’s good to see hawaiians making a statement in california!
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and not just Josh, look at Seth Moniz DVS truck! so stoked for these kids. and can you believe they both got invited to the trials for the ASP World Tour trials in Tahiti? OMG! they are in california now, going to tahiti on monday, then back to virginia the following week for an ASP contest there. slowly but surely they are moving in the right direction. i can’t be more proud of these kids than i already am.

Back to fresh!

Fresh home grown eggs!

Free Sunrise Shell!

it’s amazing what salt water can do to a boat. this is called a zinc anodes which my brother replace on Mayuki. the anodes are there to sacrifice themselves and corrode before other metal parts do. so if this wasn’t on, the motors would be already corroded after only 4 months in the water. yuck!
after riding Toda-san’s bike in fuji, i came home and started looking for one. impossible to find in hawaii but i found this one on the mainland. isn’t this so cool!!! i want it really bad but i’m sure it would get stolen on the first day i park it here in hawaii.
everybody asks me if i rather fish, or dive. well, photos don’t lie. don’t look at the fish, look at my face. yes, i was pretty happy after pulling up this nice ono with the fishing pole.
but look how much happier i was when i speared one. i remember going down pretty deep in the deep blue in shark infested water. seen this big ono swim by and got a good shot. pulled him back to the boat and was a very happy man. high risk, high return. i can’t wait to go again. by the way, hunting is a game. you have to know how the fish act and react to them. my custom made ono series wetsuit from Dove Wetsuits Japan made me look like a fish underwater. maybe this poor fish thought i was her boyfriend? sorry girl. i’ll take you home and eat you for dinner. haha.
last, i found this rare sunrise shell a few years ago in hawaii. if you know what a sunrise shell is, you know it’s very rare and expensive. anyway, it has been sitting next to my computer for a while and it’s time to say bye bye. i really appreciate it, but i know there are thousands of people who would appreciate it more. so tell why you would want it and i’ll send it to you. give me a couple of days to decide. good luck!