Monthly Archives: February 2016

Baby Chicken vs. Sushi

had fun with these Baler local friends. i’m sure our surf stories will be sticking around for many years to come. Gil and Greg, thank you for letting us borrow your boards. thank you for taking us to your secret spots. thank you for the great memories. we will see you again for sure. Mabuhai!
the scenery was so beautiful. 16 hours on the bus looking out the window thinking about what a beautiful world we live in.
this is a typical filipino street food stand. just go up, grab anything you want, then they will charge you accordingly.
why don’t we have these in hawaii?
the only scary thing is you really don’t know what you’re eating. imagine putting this juicy piece of chicken in your mouth and finding out it is a day old chick? omg! after i looked good, i saw the legs and head. omg again!
the liver looked really good.
after you pick it, they cook it for you. cool!
the colors of the philippines.
back to food. i think this world has very good and interesting food. but every time i come back to japan, i realize that no where in the world even comes close. japan is and will always be a few steps ahead the rest of the world. and if you don’t believe me, look at this! i thought i was in heaven last night.