i was watching Seth’s heat and thinking to myself “wow, this kid is surfing in South Africa. i surfed J-Bay before Seth was even born! and now this kids is surfing against the worlds elite!
when people come up to me and talk about Seth, most say he’s a “natural.” that means able to adapt to any conditions, able to compete at any level, able to keep calm, and able to have the confidence for anything. i totally agree… now it’s Round 3 so time to become Super Natural!
i was so excited to take 9 year old Yui surfing this morning. the god-son of Nao-san so i already got a heads up about this kid. from the beginning, he was super calm, and super confident.
this was his very first wave of his life!!! popped right up and did everything exactly what i said. perfect everything!!!
his face was glowing right after his first ride. he kept his cool and kept his excitement within. kind of reminded me of how Seth was when he was this age.
i gave Yui a high five and from then on, it was wave after wave after wave. smile after smile after smile…
then this kid started paddling into waves on his own! super calm and super confident. it was like he was born to be in the ocean. one of the local Uncle’s paddled by and said “wow, that kid is a natural!”
Yui surfed so perfectly that he didn’t even fall. so as the coach i am, i made him fall on purpose. i pushed the nose down and watched him do a head flip over the board into the water. i did that on purpose because i wanted to see his reaction. and guess what? calm and cool! he got back up smiling and wanted more! haha.
good job Yui! i’m super proud of you! hope to surf with you again! but for now, go back to Japan and surf with Aunty Nao-san! you’re actually much calmer than her. haha. and thank you Megumi-san for letting me take Yui for his first surfing experience. this kids life will never be the same… because he’s a “natural!”