Explore Asia!


wow, what a long day it was yesterday. we left bali at 10 am, flew over
4 countries, stopped at 3, at dinner at midnight here in japan. i’m
lucky we had such a good group of people or i would have been going
crazy. we dodged a typhoon, we had communication problems in vietnam, we
watched The Godfather movie, we circled shikoku, we circled niijima, and
finally landing at haneda. we were all tired but because we are all
veteran travelers, nobody complained. and the final yakiniku midnight
dinner in roppongi couldn’t have been a better end.
i had a great trip, learned more about everybody, and gotten much closer
to this wonderful group of people. we are all different, but when
together, we are a team that can’t be beaten. everybody is a
professional in what they do and when 8 professionals get together,
watch out.
this past 8 days changed my life. i seen, lived, and experienced things
from the other side. i’m too tired to talk about it now, but all i can
say is that:
my swimming got better.
my surfing got better.
my diving got better.
my fighting got better.
oct. 1, 2011 will be a day i will never forget. thank you everybody!
