Konban wa….


hello everybody, i just got back to japan right now. gosh, it’s so cool here yeah? stoked. heard there’s another typhoon on the way. what perfect timing again. i hope it takes time for the waves to come up because i ain’t ready to go surfing yet. need a few days to reset. the food poisoning is still with me and my body feels weak. but not weak enough to keep me out of the barrel. haha… well, wanted to say thanks to everybody who made my philippines trip a memorable one. tokura-san, hayato, shinpei, kazuya, u-ske, masao, and everybody in the philippines… and thanks to surfing world and marine jack too. took over a thousand photos and hope to share them soon. and sorry for the late emails. give me some time to get to you. my inbox is full. it will take days but i’ll try. going to tokyo tomorrow. yeah!! never been there in a while. maybe hit a bar in roppongi by myself. haha. just joking…. anyway, be back tomorrow. i got to get some much needed sleep without 2 guys snooring out loud and a freaking irritating watch beeping all night…[:Zzz:]
