it was Day 2 Boot Camp and i was stricter than ever. everybody knows i don’t baby anyone and make sure you surf the proper way. so yeah, you might not like me yelling to you like a Sargent, but you will love the results. i even yell at cute kids like this too! haha…
Papa Daisuki-san surfed super good! way better than last time so he’s improving big time!
Yuko-chan is a very confident 10 year old. she knows and understands that keeping calm is the key to surfing. this girl isn’t scared of anything.
Eitaro-kun is a very confident 8 year old. he plays in the ocean like he’s playing in a children’s sandbox. and laughing all the way…
if i can get any young kid to fall in love with the ocean, i’m content. i know this will follow them for the rest of their lives…
the kids wanted to tandem again. they are so good at it!!! all the other surfers in the ocean were cheering them on. look at Yuko-chan in the back with the peace sign. haha…
Eitaro-kun doesn’t care of he tandems or surfs on his own. all this boy wants is to ride the biggest wave and ride it till the end.
and he’s always flashing me the peace sign. so cute!!! i’m going to miss these kids…
i’m so happy to stop by in Wakayama and bring home fresh shirasu. it’s been my dinner for the week…
call or email Yamari, order some, and you will know exactly why i love these little boiled fish…
fresh and fluffy! one bowl a day for the week. thank you to the Kimura-san family for providing me healthy food i can never get in Hawaii.
this was my dinner last night. simple, healthy, and delicious. just like my life… haha.