No Clue Diving?


taking the boys out diving is pretty funny. these kids don’t have a clue what’s going on. they have no clue i’m taking them to the most shark infested waters in hawaii, they have no clue about the 6′ moray eels that can bite their hands off, they have no clue on how it feels to get stuck in a cave, and they have no clue what to do when i grab them 30′ deep and hold them from coming up. panic time! haha.
so diving aside them and watching their every move funny. sometimes i almost choke from laughing through my snorkel. but if they keep on diving, they will become better in every sport. why? because breathing is everything. if you don’t have good breath, you can’t reach your potential. they will learn that really fast when a 20′ north shore wave breaks on their head this winter.

i have thousand of video clips and absolutely no time to edit and post them. stay tuned.
