gosh, i already miss eating at this bbq fish restaurant. i wish we had one of these in Hawaii! and i tried to buy some of this special sauce but the lady said “NO!” haha…
this coral trout is one of the most expensive fish in the world. BUT, the cheap black palani was 10x tastier. crazy huh?
and when you eat with your hands, it tastes much better. just mix everything up like this and get ready to put it in your mouth…
and the trick is to use your thumb to shovel it in your mouth. just make sure you wash your hands before you do this. haha.
this morning i woke up at 4am, did yoga, exercised, then went to foil Bowls. super good and fun! then shopping for tonights BBQ party..
spent $250 and should feed 18 people. can’t wait! but tonight, i won’t eat with my hands because my family will think i’m crazy! haha…