Tokyo Tower, Bike Crash, and Kombocha


hello everybody. 4 days back home and i’m feeling great! no jet lag this time so i’m already back to my normal life of waking up early and moving as fast as i can. the waves have been fun and the north swells are on the way. getting my boards ready, getting my diving stuff ready, and getting my life back to normal. like the song goes “back to life, back to reality.”

my friends ask me how much a dinner at kawamura would be? i can’t answer that because i really don’t know. all i know is that i heard it’s about $10,000 each time. and no, i’m not joking. want to go? please take me. haha.

i visited the tokyo tower for the first time in 1992. back then i thought it was amazing, and i still do till this day. this is tokyo alive!!!

the harley is just about broken in. the engine sounds smooth, the clutch is softer, and the gears go in better. i was flying up my street yesterday and almost crashed. i was making a turn and hit a big bump. the front tire went in the air and my heart stopped beating. if i fall, i die. scary.

for the past year, i’ve been drinking half a bottle of kombucha every morning. i feel super great and energized. but when i go to japan, i can’t find this anywhere. so mornings are a little slower for me to get going. ever tried it? if not, you really should. good for your cleansing your body and reviving it. cheers!
