Hangover of Memories…


last night headed up the street to my friends house for a couple of beers.  that couple of beers turned out to more than a couple of beers…

i took up a bottle of brandy/umeshu which we all love to drink.  you can only get this at Duty Free at the airports in Japan.  once you start to drink this, you won’t be able to stop.  the only reason we stopped is because we ran out.  haha…

these girls are my foundation.  we’ve been the best of friends since we were 12 years old.  went to junior high together, high school together, and many life experiences together.  yet, we’re still around laughing at all the stupid things we use to do as kids.  we sat on a table for 6 hours again catching up on our lives.  thank you Candace and Holli for always being in my life and supporting me the whole way.  if it wasn’t for you girls, i’d probably be in jail.  haha.  love you girls…
