Huge Puka Shell….


good morning… just got back from tokyo and gosh it was a change. from paradise to concrete jungle. i forgot how many people live in tokyo. it’s nuts. there’s no way i can live there. too crazy and fast for me. 100 people must have bumped into me and the train ride home was nuts. jam packed like sardines. anyway, got an email from josh down in okinawa calling typhoon 15 the best of the season. stay tuned for galleries. gosh, i wish i can jump on an airplane now and surf this afternoon. by the time i get down there next week, the typhoon swelll will be gone. but that’s what we want. good for diving… yeah!!! anyway, going to check the waves to see if some of the swell sneaked into shonan. have a nice day….

how’s this huge puka shell i found while diving in the philippines. i’ve never seen one this big in my life. now i just have to find some rope and make a necklace. keeper…

this is called “mangosting”. you can find this in indonesia, philippines, and other parts of asia. open it up and it’s like a sweet fruit….

tokura-san bought a lot of these and none went to waste. so sweet…..
