Stalk, Aim, Shoot, Photo, Shark, Dinner….


good evening. feeling like winter here in hawaii. how cold was today? i finally got things done and was trying to catch up on emails. sorry if i haven’t got to you yet but i will eventually. i watched the news today and nothing was good so i turned it off. i’m tired of hearing about our economy going down and all the other depressing news. so instead, i was looking through our tahiti trip photos and getting all happy again. then i was looking back at our indo trip and was getting even happier. and then i was looking at all my photos from japan and i’m happiest right now. so happy that i’m going to eat a happy cookie and milk. have a safe evening… goodnight…

when i was in tahiti, i was swimming around with my speargun and camera at the same time. the camera was for taking photos for a magazine. and the speargun was to keep the sharks away from the boys. so i was playing around and trying to shoot myself. not with my gun, but with my camera. so here is step 1. swim around and look for fish with the gun in the right hand, and the camera in the left. point camera backwards and take a shot. cheese….

step 2. when you see something, take aim and slowly approach your dinner. move very slowly and stay down until the fish gets curious….

step 3 is hit the trigger and hopefully hit the fish. i forgot to shoot that part because i was too excited. step 4 is to secure the fish as in this photo. stick your knife in the fishes brain so you kill it and keep the hungry sharks away….

step 5 is to look around for sharks. look good. see that 6′ black tip shark heading my way? he wanted my fish so bad but there was no way i was going to give it to him. he came within a few feet a couple of times but there was no way he was taking my dinner. he finally gave up when i told him to get somebody else’s fish. it’s amazing how sharks understand english. but the sharks were everywhere. spear a fish, here comes the sharks. it was pretty cool watching them in their world. we were even feeding them at times. the underwater world is the bomb…..
**so here’s the deal, i ended up taking over 1,000 photos. most for the magazine, but some for my blog. got some cool ones coming up…. stay tuned and dive safe….
