Chicken Fight Week….


here is another blog i did but forgot to post. i guess the food poisoning made me space out. oh well, here it is….

gosh, even after i got food poisoning, i can’t stop trying different foods at different places. i love filipino food and want to try everything while i’m here. this was chicken/squash soup with rice on the side. so far, so good…..

the national sport here is chicken fighting. they have it every weekends and it’s super cool to see. i can’t wait to go tomorrow. it’s illegal in hawaii but what the heck, this ain’t hawaii…..

oh, the night of the black out. we went to a bar called “nine bar”. the food was good, the drinks were good, and the good time i had with my friends was even better. hayato, me, sagana owners naoka and gerry, and tokura-san. this photo is going on my wall in my house…..

and last, josh down in okinawa sent some galleries of typhoon 12. should be coming up soon so check back. but for now, check out this sick okinawan double rainbow…. thanks josh and see you soon…
***back to today. check out typhoon 15 bearing down on taiwan. the eye is bigger than the city of taipei. freaking huge. chinese, take cover…

***and by the way, the WCT mundaka pro is on. mick fanning could be world champion if he wins. CLICK HERE FOR LIVE….
