Gentle Giants and Staying Alive…


i was on the North Shore talking about foiling with Uncle Brian and Kaiborg.  then off in the distance, Uncle Brian noticed something in the  tree.  i thought it was a bat!but Uncle Brian said it was a bird that was in trouble.  it was tangled in the tree and was hanging upside down.  it was frantic trying to get free but couldn’t.  so the boys had an idea…Kaiborg got in his truck and drove it under the tree.  then Uncle Brian got up and untangled the little bird very gently.  then it flew away.  i thought that was very cool.  it takes a big heart to do things like this…i do yoga every morning when i get up, so this is one of my yoga poses.  i call it “Staying Alive.”  and i got it from the movie “Saturday Night Fever.”  haha…
