Need Some Love…


this Summer has been sunny and warm everyday.  and also offshore winds all day long making everything perfect  i don’t even remember the last time it rained?  so weather wise, it’s been the best Summer i can remember.  as for waves, i’d say above average.  as for crowds, the most i’ve ever seen in my life.  not on the beaches, but in the ocean!i look at Bowls in the morning and count the locals, and then count the sets.  then i can calculate how many set waves i can catch in an hour session.  if that number i calculate is 7 or more, i will surf.  if it’s less, i will foil.  because when i foil, i don’t have to wait for anything or anyone.  i can take off on a wave nobody wants and turn it into magic! so this morning, i chose the magic!  i’ve been making some good choices recently because when i come home with the biggest smile on my face by 7am, i know that was the best choice.  and that’s been happening every single day!check out my plumeria!!!  i look at it everyday and think how beautiful it is.   all it needed was some love…
