Wavement Tour Event in Kamakura….


this was the first time i went diving with an old school japanese diver. just by watching him and checking out all his gear, i figured out how to pound oysters. and pound is what we did. he got over 100lbs of huge oysters and i got about 20lbs. not bad for a starter….

i can’t wait to go back for more. i’ve been eating so many fresh oysters this past week that my ass is burning from all the pearls coming out of it…..

this is some of the fish and shellfish i got. i love diving and will always will. catching fish, sharing it with friends, and eating it is the best feeling. as good as getting barreled…

it was off to k-san’s favorite sushi bar in wakayama to drop off our dinner. and let me tell you, it was awesome…. when your eating lobster sashimi with the lobster head and legs still moving, it doesn’t get any better than that. it melts in your mouth. that’s kinsan on the right holding a big fresh “ono” or sawara. wanted to thank everybody in wakayama for the great experience and great time. more experiences i will never forget…. arigato gozaimashita….

hey guys, there’s a wavement event tomorrow night in kamakura. since i don’t shit about what’s going on, i’m going to try to make to. i might learn something. hope to see you there….
