Big Marlin and Big Omilu….


happy sunday evening. started off a pretty mellow day. headed off to do some shopping for my japan trip. first stop, wallmart…

when my japanese friends come to hawaii, i always try to make them do thing for themselves. that’s the only way they will learn english and learn how to be independent in hawaii. so today was shun’s turn. he bought some gifts to take back to japan. when we went to the check out counter, i told him “your on your own”… he said “ehhh??” shun got so nervous and couldn’t stand still. but shun did a great job…. now he can shop at wallmart by himself… step by step….

then it was my turn. for some reason, i misplaced my ipod. i’ve been searching my house for the past 2 weeks looking for it. spent over 10 hours digging and searching with no results. for me, time is money so i gave up and just bought a new one. and i’m pretty dam happy about it because i deserve it…

shun and i went diving at kewalo’s and shun speared this big marlin. look how happy he was…. wait, i’m just joking….. we pulled up for a surf and seen this fishing boat that caught this huge marlin. so we stopped for a photo…. shun ended up surfing and hayato and i ended up diving. we poked some fish so it’s all good….

talking about poking fish. check out this 18lbs omilu gareth sugihara poked in town a few weeks ago. pretty sick…

i hope he got these fish printed gyokatu style because you ain’t going to catch fish like this in town too often…. good job gareth….
**plans for tomorrow? dive and surf. can’t wait…
