A Special Today


i wasn’t expecting anything special today but i got something special.  i was the first one out in the dark and when the sun started to rise, there was a special sunrise.  and for a Sunday, it was very uncrowded and the waves were way better than i thought.  so yeah, it was special all the way!

loaded up and headed down to get Mayuki ready for a special trip. i’m so excited!!!

Mt. Fuji in the back, and Matsu in the front.  a special mountain and a special guy!

Hawaii has been very good this year.  lots of light winds making Diamond Head very special to fly…

check this out!  a boat made specially for wake surfing.  you can surf an endless wave right behind this boat.  imagine foiling it!!!  i really want one but i don’t have $600,000 right now.  so yeah, this is not so special to me.  haha…
