one of our missions for this trip was to find lobsters. mission accomplished! we got lobsters, crabs, fish, ika, and lots of delicious dinners to come!
on the way back, a huge pod of 50 dolphins came by to play with us. it was so amazing!
Reo with his yellow spot, Joshua with his mu and lobster, Seth with his uhu and uku, and Benji with his mu’s. these kids ocean skills are getting better and better. and this trip taught them much more because we did things which were new for them. but swimming in the pitch dark ocean from 10pm to midnight was the highlight…
as we came in, i noticed the water was dirty and stink again! omg, did it rain again?
coming from some of the clearest water in the world, then back to dirty water was a little depressing for us. anyway, getting my foil back out and flying. see you in the water!