Another Awesome Day….


konnichi wa. gosh, there were so many things going on yesterday. first, went to to check out matsuo and everybody at the rise and shine contest yesterday morning. check out the sunrise!! gosh, it’s so cool going to these kind of contests and see so many happy faces. the waves were good, and the vibe was even better. sorry i had to leave early…..

a lot of guys came out. good to see my good friends put an event like this together. it’s all about team work….

this is masaki harada and matsuo. masaki rips. i remember watching him surf big sunset one year on a short board. he was surfing 8′ sunset like it was a beach break. freaking ripping…. and i surfed a small little island off shikoku with matsuo about 10 years ago. he caught a big one and got the cover of surfing world mag…. these guys are hard core….

i had so much things going on that i totally spaced on yumie’s “aloha night” party. actually it worked out perfect because i was on my way to tokyo to jump on the shinkansen. i dropped by and i’m glad i did. yumie has touched so many lives and inspired so many people. i couldn’t believe how many people were there. the free factory cafe was packed that people were even sitting on the floor. it was a very touching and an awesome event. took some photos so post them later… great job yumie….

there was live hula and music too. lisa halim was there singing live and i was stoked to meet her. she’s got an awesome voice. and she’s pretty hot too… check out LISA HALIM’S BLOG….

i passed by this store in tokyo. there was a surfboard in the window that caught my eye. it was a TSSC surfboard and it wasn’t a surf shop. i couldn’t stop to check it out but does anybody know what shop that was???
**anyway, i’m on transit to okinawa. going to get some work done because once i get there, i’m not opening up my computer. it’s the start to my diving vacation and i can’t wait…..
