another day of miscellaneous projects for me. i’m sure learning a lot during this pandemic…
when i use to ride airplanes, i would wonder why the tips of the wings were pointed upwards? these are called winglets. some birds like eagles have them and it reduces drag and adds more lift. makes total sense…
once i can fly again, a boat trip would be ideal. just a few friends exploring the Indian Ocean like this.
diving everyday, you just don’t know what you will encounter. if you get a chance to swim with a whale shark, you’re a very lucky person…
pet shop or animal cruelty? live owls in bags for sale in deep Indonesia. i think it was $5/each.
i get asked over and over. don’t you miss Backdoor? my answer is “no, i surfed there for 30 years straight and enjoyed hundreds of barrels of a lifetime. i miss the barrels, but i don’t miss the crowd, fights, dramas, and knocking out on the reef and driving myself to the emergency room time after time.”