Diving Switch On!!!


good evening. cold, hot, cold, hot. yeah, that’s the weird weather we’ve been getting in japan lately. yesterday was freezing and today is like a summer day. easy to catch a cold so stay warm, or stay cold? finally got some time today to sit down and get things done. went through the thousand photos i took in the philippines. gosh, it seems like it was so long ago but it was only last week. anyway, my boards are packed along with my spears and stuff. i’m turning on the diving mode switch. i haven’t dove in a while so i better practice in the bath tub. haha… kyle nakamoto and the boys are heading to japan so i will hook up with them in okinawa in a couple days. i can’t wait. the forecast for diving is looking good, and the waves for bali is looking good next week. gosh, maybe i will body surf in the barrel with my spear. then poke somebody in the ass if they drop in. haha. about poking somebody in the ass, how’s this story. about 3 years ago, i was driving my boat around waikiki diving with a friend. then i went in by queen’s to see if my nephew’s were out surfing. this local surfer was yelling at me and started acting stupid. yes, i was wrong because your not supposed to go near queen’s with a boat. but as he was yelling at me, i was looking at my spear gun on my side and thinking, this guy is stupid. i felt like jumping in the water, diving under him, and spearing him in his ass. then grab him and see how long he can hold his breath. nah, just joking. but yelling at somebody with a spear gun is the same thing as yelling at somebody with a loaded gun. don’t do it because if i was 10 years younger, things would have turned out different. i finally grown up and can walk away from things. when i was younger, i couldn’t and that got me into a lot of trouble. a guy can only take so much. that’s why when i watch the news and see guys snapping and getting revenge, i can feel a little what they are feeling. i used to get picked on when i was young and if i had a loaded gun or a spear, i wouldn’t have hesitated to use it. i’m not crazy or anything but a guy can only take so much. so be nice and treat everybody the same. so all you bully’s out there, don’t pick on the weak because one day, it could backfire on you. gosh, i should erase what i just wrote but i’m not. i stick up for the little guys….

take your pick… gosh, i really miss my old car…

lobsters are hard to find in hawaii. i found this one on molokai. as for indonesia, i found some before and i’m going to be looking for these guys again. nothing beats lobster sashimi….
