i’ve been getting lots of people asking me about my crazy bus ride experience. if i can sum it up in one word “CRAZY.” if i can sum it up in 2 words “NEVER AGAIN!”
i flew to laos from vietnam. it took me 1 hour and $150. it was just too dam easy and i felt like i was a cheating backpacker. so on the way back to vietnam, i decided to do it the real backpacking way. i bought the $35 ticket, i was escorted through the dirty and busy central bus station in vientiene. i boarded the bus and didn’t think anything. then when it started getting packed, i couldn’t see a way to get out of the bus to pee. that’s when i started worrying. not peeing for a day? not eating for a day? then after the first pee stop, that’s when the ride turned from fun, to a nightmare. strangers pissing all over the place when there is no toilet, and pissing all over the place when there is a toilet. no toilet paper, no door, and just stink piss and shit smell everywhere. it has to be the most unsanitary situation i’ve ever been in before. when we do get a 10 minute stop, i look to the distance and see our bus driver drinking a beer. i get back in and out of the bus stepping on heads of people sleeping in the isle on the floor, and have to climb over seats to get back to mine. then the bus driver toots the horn once, starts up the engine, and speeds away. i all but wonder how many people he’s left behind.
then the drive? speeding through the mountains with 1000′ drop off cliffs with no guard rail. then speeding through city after city dodging scooters and kids playing on the street. the horn constantly tooting meaning “get out of the way!” how could someone sleep? i kept on looking for a way out of the bus just in case it crashes. the front door? no way! the back door? none. the only way out was to kick the window because it was rusted closed. kick it with my shoes? no, not enough room. i had my camera right in front of me because that would be the only way out. luckily, i survived with no scratches. just a stiff body, hungry stomach, dehydrated body, and no sleep.
those 25.5 hours where the longest hours of my life. i use to complain driving 12 hours from tokyo to shikoku. never will i complain again. the long drives in japan is luxury compared to that bus ride from laos. if anybody asks for my advise, i’d say “DON’T DO IT.” as for me, i tell myself “no way,” but at the same time, i know i will do something more crazy than that in the near future. life for me would be too boring without experiences like this.
wish you luck on your next bus ride to hell. haha.
