Monk Seal Attack


before we got on Mayuki, we left our slippers on the dock.  then  i noticed something was wrong?  OMG, Ryo’s slippers are different color too!  we must think the same.  haha!!!

Happy Birthday Toda-san!  and congratulations on your new toy!  i can’t wait to ride in it.  and nice license plate number!

can’t wait to go to Japan and fly with you guys!

a tourists in Kauai decided to touch a Hawaiian Monk seal that was sleeping.  then she posts it to social media.  touching a monk seal is a federal offense and you can go to jail for 5 years and pay a fine of $50,000.  after this, she got death threats by angry Hawaiians.  i wouldn’t come back to Hawaii if i was her…

she’s lucky she didn’t get bitten, then dragged into the ocean by this seal and drowned.  one day something like that will happen.  so to all the tourists that come to Hawaii, please respect our island and our wildlife. i also learned the hard way by almost getting attacked by an elephant in South Africa.  luckily there wasn’t social media back then.  haha…
