Half Day Course Again!


it’s so cool how i get to go surfing with people celebrating something special in hawaii. i surf with newlyweds and honeymooners a lot, but today, i surfed with this wonderful couple celebrating their 10 year anniversary in hawaii. Ruma-san and Kenny-san are such a young and energetic couple. Both started surfing about 5 years ago and i’m sure surfing has made their bond rock solid. we surfed a really good wave in town. can you believe that nobody was out? i couldn’t. we scored big time!

ruma-san reads all kinds of guide books about hawaii. she gave me a list of places she’s been to before. some good, some so so. i taught them what a tourist trap was. a tourist trap is a place that are in lots of guidebooks. famous people go there to eat once, and the world thinks it’s the best place to go too. i stay far away from those places because there are so many better places to eat in hawaii that you won’t find in a guide book. malaysian curry plate for $6 and a smoothie for $3. sorry, i can’t tell you where. maybe later. haha.

ruma-san is a big fan of kelia. knowing that, i called kelia to ask if we can stop over for a photo. “of course, come by.” kelia is pure. kelia loves her fans. and kelia is one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet. and she surfs pretty good too. haha.

kelia is still probably jetlagged. she just came back from china, indonesia, and japan. i know exactly how that feels. she will probably kill me for putting this sleepy photo of her on my blog. haha.

score! roxy stickers signed by kelia.
Ruma-san, Thank you for a great day of surfing. I’m glad your dream came true!
Kenny-san, Thank you for being so kind. You must be a great kendo teacher and at level 6, i really look up to you.
Kelia, Sorry for waking you up. And I’m proud of you for making your fans happy. Your a good representation of the Aloha we have here in Hawaii! Stay humble!
**This morning surfing photo session by Paul Teruya coming soon!
