History of Shark Bites in Hawaii


last year, there were 6 shark attacks in Hawaii.  compared to Florida’s 28 attacks, i guess we were lucky.  

since 1828, there have been 31 attacks on Kauai, 42 on Oahu, 74 on Maui, and 25 on Hawaii.  i still wonder why Maui has the most attacks?  i would think Oahu would have the most because we have many more people in the ocean every day.  

in America, we are #2.  i don’t think 182 shark attacks is that many because there are way more people getting attacked by people.  so yes, i think the ocean is safer than land.  

to reduce your risk, follow these instructions.  my advice is to just go ahead and enjoy life.  you’re more likely to get attacked by a dog or your friend before a shark…
