Believing in Mermaids


the waves were small today so we decided to do something a little different.  we arrived at one of my favorite power spots and had an exciting morning.  when you arrive here, the ocean looks so big!  and we look so small!

and there is only one way into the ocean, which is to jump!  i’ve been teaching this girl how to be calm and this is the place to practice being calm.  it’s so alive and so much water moving that it’s kind of freaky.  many people have died here mostly by panicking.  so today’s lesson was all about keeping calm no matter what.

when ever i take my spear here, i never ever see fish.  but today i didn’t take my spear and guess what?

there were many of fish swimming right up to me.  it’s pretty crazy how the fish know when they’re not being hunted.

it’s so beautiful and peaceful in this amazing underwater world.  now i truly believe in mermaids.  on the drive home, we were both falling asleep.  i had one of the best afternoon naps of the year today…
