Deep Ocean Beach Clean


when the ocean takes care of you, you should take care of the ocean.  we put on our dive gear and went to work. 

in Hawaii, there are lots of fishermen that fish off the cliffs.  and when their fishing line gets stuck to the reef, it breaks and stays there forever.  the only way to retrieve it is to dive down and untangle it by hand.  

there are hooks, lead, and line everywhere.  i was happy to have my helper come and clean the ocean with me.  

in Hawaii, a lot of fishermen use automotive spark plugs instead of lead weights.  so you will see a lot of spark plugs on the bottom of the ocean.  i’m sure that can’t be good for the reef.

there is also fishing line tangled everywhere.  imagine if a turtle gets tangled in this?  not good.

we were happy to get this much trash out of the ocean.  but we were sad to know that there was much more left stuck to the reef.  next time i’ll go back and take out more.  it’s doing good for our environment, and the exercise is incredible.  everybody wins…
