2 in 1


every time i pull up to the boat ramp, i’m looking at how the clouds are moving so i can calculate the wind. this day was not a good day to dive because it was soooo windy. when you see rain coming from diamond head and over downtown in 3 minutes, you know it’s windy. and if you know how rainbows are formed, you know there will be a crazy full bridge rainbow to follow. i seen this rainbow before it even formed and just waited with my camera because i wanted to get a photo with it going over my boat. after this shot, i knew it was going to be a good day!

there’s a pod of dolphins out there that we run into often. they come riding along the side of the boat and i always try to look into their eye. when they see you, it’s like their trying to tell you something. this dolphin came by and said “Have a wonderful day.”

teamwork is key to spearing 2 uluas from one hole. one diver goes down first, lines up a good shot, and after shooting it, keep the first ulua in the hole so the other one stays around. once you pull it out, the other one will trip out and run away. kyle went down, speared one, left it in the hole, i went down 5 seconds later, and speared the other one. we come up, high five each other, and we have sashimi for everyone! it couldn’t have worked out any better.

instead of throwing the guts, head, and parts of the fish we don’t need in the rubbish can at home, i like to clean the fish in the ocean. give it back to the eels, crabs, other fish, and sharks. just bring home what you eat, and leave the rest in the ocean. that’s the best way to do it.
and speaking about teamwork. james oshiro is the man when it comes to teamwork. if it wasn’t for him, we could be lost at sea, we could get attacked by sharks, or we could catch no fish. james is our “boat man” and has eyes all around his head. we spear a fish, come up and james is right there to take it out of the water. on one dive this day, i was down about 25′ waiting for a fish to come close to me, then over my right ear, a pretty aggressive shark swam by and scared the shit out of me. i usually have dead fish hanging from my weight belt and if i did this day, the shark would have bit my ass. thanks james for watching over us, and thanks kyle for the great teamwork. next dive Molokai?
