Fisherman to Fisherman


back on M2, naohiro wanted to stop by the fish factories in ishinomaki to deliver some fresh food and give some moral support. the main factory was totally devastated by the tsunami and most of the fishermen were just hanging around wondering what to do. this was just about a month after the tsunami so people were still searching for the missing. while we were on the side of the road eating our cup ramen, this fisherman walked up to us and naohiro started talking to him. he took us to his factory up the street which got totally flooded by the tsunami. as we sat down with the fisherman, his father, and mother on the cold chair with no electricity, it was a really dark moment. what do you say? the factory was totally shut down and nobody knew what the future will hold. i remember sitting there being so cold, and feeling so helpless. and i wasn’t the only one.
since that day, naohiro exchanged phone numbers and they kept in touch.

fast forward to M5. we pull up to the factory and see movement. the trucks are unloading big coolers of fish, the conveyer belts are running, the lights are on, the old ladies are working, people are smiling, and the factory is running full speed ahead. things are looking really positive for this factory called “Rinsyo-Syouten.” we all get out, we all smile, and we all feel something that we needed to feel. we needed to see for ourselves the progress since previous missions. it helps us heal, and it helps us move forward, and it helps us continue to fight till the end. naohiro and local ishinomaki fisherman Hayashi-san are now friends. two people from the opposite sides of japan as “ONE.”
this is what “WE ARE ONE” is all about.
