We Will Always Remember You


it’s 4:30 am in the morning and i’m checking how the waves are going to be for the pipeline masters. it’s dark, but i know it’s going to be big. on the side in my inbox, i see the usual hundreds emails so i scroll down to see if there are any important ones. i get one from the pro bodyboarder Mizoguchi Twins. i open it, i click it, and the thousands of emotions i’ve held in for the past 9 months all came out. i just couldn’t hold it in any longer. i’m going to be honest, i haven’t cried so much in my life. being in tohoku from the beginning and seeing it all, this video hit me hard. so hard that i can’t even explain how i’m feeling right now. sad or happy? i just don’t know. i have met the most amazing people since the tsunami and my life has changed. because of them, i’m stronger, i’m happier, and i appreciate every second of my life. please watch this video till the end. please don’t forget that there are still over 3,000 loved ones missing. and please don’t forget about japan. and to every single volunteer from every single country, arigato gozaimasu from the bottom of my heart. and to the Mizoguchi Twins, thank you for sending me this touching video. WE ARE ONE!
