The Two Happiest Days


The maintenance keeps on going and going.  There is a common saying:  “The two happiest days in a boat owners life is the day you buy the boat, and the day you sell the boat.”  That’s pretty funny because the day I got Mayuki was probably the happiest day of my life.  But after putting in so much money, time, and effort, I can understand why the other happiest day is when you sell it.  Maintaining a boat is never ending and can be frustrating…

I started polishing by hand, then after losing 10lbs of sweat, a sore back, and trembling hands, I decided to cheat.  Using the buffer was so much easier!  

She’s looking so gorgeous again!  

Well, there will be no 2nd happiest day in my life because Mayuki will never be for sale.  She’s already given me over 100 happiest days of my life ever since the first happiest day of my life when I got her.  And I’m not done yet…
