iPhoto Library Update


Did you know you have to update your iPhoto library folder if it’s old?  Yes, it doesn’t work with the new operating system.  Anyway, I just spent 3 days doing that.  Then spent a few hours looking at photos.  This one is peak summer at Shirahama Beach in Izu.  This is the same beach I entered the JPSA Pro Trials back in 1993 and became a Japanese Pro Surfer.  A huge turning point in my life…

Pretty funny seeing these fish trying to steal the tako I just hunted.  The fish lost this tug of war battle.

Hanging out in Molokai with the boys.  Living off the mountain and ocean.  Deep fried Manini for dinner.

Just another exploration boat trip with hard core travelers.  Bintang time in North Sumatra when nobody use to go to North Sumatra.

Back to reality.  This morning at Bowls was small and crowded.  I caught just one wave and came in.  Tomorrow I’m going to ride something that one wave will equal ten.  Got it?
