Travel to Okinawa


Want to thank Tokura-san for keeping us warm with Dove, and keeping us traveling comfortably by lending us his car.  It’s so nice to travel around so freely in Japan.  Yes, the train system is great, but nothing beats driving a car here.

Traveling tip:  If you travel anywhere, I recommend you getting good suitcases.  The better your suitcase is, the easier it will be for you and everyone else in your group.  

Coming to Okinawa, I wasn’t really expecting to surf.  I thought if the waves were good, I’d go surf.  If not, I’d just eat.  So far, the waves have been better than the food.

Now we’re in a rent a car driving everywhere.  It’s much easier to drive in Okinawa than mainland Japan.  

The weathers been great too.  Blue sky and cool winds.  Feels like Hawaii!

Sitting on the Sunabe seawall every morning and evening watching the stoke.

Fresh and cheap vegetables.  I can’t believe how cheap the food is over here.  It’s like triple the price in Hawaii.

Evenings watching the surfing as the sun sets.

There are a lot of elder taxi drivers playing their classic Okinawa music.  I don’t know why, but we were asked to get out of the taxi a few times.  I’m not sure if it’s because we’re foreigners, or if they don’t understand our directions.  But yes, we were kicked out of a few taxis.  

My brother loving the supermarkets.  He walks in there buying so much food.  Then the same thing every single day.  

We went surfing early this morning and the waves were a lot better than we thought it would be.  It was actually pretty scary at times.  Powerful waves breaking over very shallow reef.

Always ready for the challenge.  We all learned today that waves here are very good!
