ok, the talk going around in the surf community is the lack of surf on the north shore this year. i’d have to agree that the waves up on the north shore have been pretty bad. but if you look at the bright side, it could be worst. and if you look at the brighter side, i’m saving so much money on gas. haha. i still haven’t gotten my golden barrel yet but i’ll have many many chances coming up. the longer it takes, the better it will feel once i get it. and let me say this, i’m getting barreled for sure!
had a great time the other night at yuko-chan’s birthday. don’t remember much but i just remember being happy all night. i just hope i didn’t sing karaoke. haha. thank you yuko-chan for sending these photos.
and hey, is that trisha on the left of maki-san???? i don’t even remember seeing her there. how the heck can i miss her in that karaoke room?
my sister got a new lens for christmas from her kids. a 100-400mm canon lens that i wish i had. stay tuned for some awesome photos by tammy moniz.
**last, been thinking about my new years resolution for 2012. i can feel like it’s going to be a great year!