Mexico Travel Advisory


Every surf trip has risks.  Getting hurt, robbed, lost, kidnapped, or killed is something you always have to think about.  It can happen to anyone at anytime, at anywhere in the world.

Yesterday, I saw the news of these 3 missing surfers in Mexico and usually that’s not good news.  If you go missing in Mexico, something bad happened.  They were on a surf trip, their car was lit on fire, and their tents empty.  Today, they found the dead bodies of the 2 Australians and one American.  Very sad news as something very bad happened.  After I read the article, I scrolled through the comments.  Most saying they were stupid to go to Mexico.  I disagree with that.  As an avid traveler, I believe that these surfers knew the risks and lived their lives to the fullest.  They chose to chase waves and live on the edge.  There is nothing stupid about that.  Terrible things happen in this crazy world we now live in.  What do you do?  Stay home?  Nope, surfers will continue to travel this world and chase waves.  The risks are high, but the rewards are much higher.  These surfers died doing what they loved so you have to respect that.  RIP boys…
