Neighborhood Awareness Statistic


Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places in the world.  Tropical weather, warm water, surf everyday, and lots of Aloha.  BUT, there is another side to Hawaii that tourists don’t know.

I got this in an email saying “Congratulations, crime went down in your district!”  This is the April monthly statistics for my neighborhood.  And remember this is best month of the year.

Auto theft:  51
Burglary: 26
OVUII/DUI (driving drunk or on drugs): 3
Fraud: 10
Robberies: 3
Thefts: 88
UEMV (breaking into vehicles): 81

UEMV means (unauthorized entry of a motor vehicle).  So yes, I am a statistic.  The assholes are getting smarter and smarter.  Now they take out the whole window, enter your car with a plastic garbage bag, and steal EVERYTHING!  

So my advice to everyone is to leave ALL your valuables at home.  If you go to the beach, don’t bring anything because if you do, it will ALL be gone!
