Shortboard Boot Camp


We were on the beach in the dark getting ready for Boot Camp.  Pretty exciting way to start off the day.

Warm, sunny, and beautiful.

The waves finally returned to normal.  A lot smaller today, but still excellent conditions.

Every student learns differently.  As for Seira-chan, she is a very quick learner that only has to told once to do something.  I say something once to her and she will do it on the next wave.  Some people I have to say twice, and some people I have to say a thousand times.  You guys know who I’m talking about.  Haha.

Seira-chan is surfing the All Japan Surfing Championships in Miyazaki this August so now is the time to fine tune everything.  Just in the past 2 days, she has gotten much better.  If she surfs like this, I’m pretty sure she can win the contest!

I’m super impressed on how fast this girl learns.  She was ripping today and she will be surfing even better tomorrow.
