Boot Camp Day 1 to 7


This was Day 1 Boot Camp with Seira-chan.  She arrived on the last 2 days of the big swell.  We surfed Bowls on the evening high tide and the rights were as good as it gets.

This was Day 7 Boot Camp at Bowls.  Low tide, small board, and excellent backside bottom turn.  Just in one week, Seira-chan is surfing better than ever.  I wish her the best of luck in the upcoming All Japan Championships in Miyazaki!

Can you recognize this surfer?  I sure can.  This is Tokura-san and because we’ve been surfing together for the past 32 years, I can spot him from a mile away.

The 2 tone Dove rash guard with hood is the best for these hot summer days.  It keeps me cool and protected from the blazing sun.

It’s pretty funny watching this girl that is so addicted to surfing.  She want’s the best of the best equipment, and she wants to surf like Carissa Moore.  So far, she’s on the right track because this is a Carissa Moore turn.
