Box Jelly Boys


It was dark, there were a lot of box jellyfish, but the waves were too good to pass up.  We went surfing!

When the box jellyfish are swimming all around you, you just don’t know when you’ll get stung.  And when you do, it hurts!  This girl would rather take the chance of getting stung than not surfing at all.

The jellyfish don’t bother Lance too.

Kyle was the first gut out and the first guy in.  Probably the smartest surfer.

As the sun rose, the surfing level went up.  Look how beautiful the waves were this morning.  Absolutely perfect conditions.

I thought she was going to pull into the barrel on this wave.  It was so good.

It was a pleasure surfing with the jellies and boys this morning.  You guys are hard core!

Afternoon we went to surf Waikiki.  It was a picture perfect day.  The Energizer Bunny Girl keeps going, going, and going…

