Ocean Private Party


This morning we took out the longboards and practiced the cross step.  Doing this over and over will create muscle memory, then the next will be going to the nose.

The girls taking turns over and over wave after wave.  They both must have caught over 50 waves this morning.

Diamond Head on the left, surfing in the middle, and a rainbow on the right.  This photo has it all.

I also teach the girls never to fall at the end of the wave.  Falling at the end just doesn’t look good.  Pulling out like this looks a lot better.

The past few days have been so perfect to long board.  Everyday we learn, everyday we challenge, and everyday we laugh.  It’s like our little private party in the middle of the sea.

Round 2 was at Sandy Beach shore break.  It was challenging, interesting, and humbling.  So much energy and power of the ocean crashing down on the shallow shore break.

Last, people will do anything these days for a click on social media.  What is this world coming to?
