The Longest Blue Bottle Day


I was surprised to see a Portuguese man o’ war in the water at Bowls today.  If you haven’t getting stung by this before, you are lucky.  They also call it the “bluebottle.”

It has this long blue tentacle that can wrap around your body.  I’ve had this wrap around my snorkel before and had the biggest lips of my life for days.  After the initial painful sting, it will start to itch and you can’t stop scratching it.  It’s torture.

The waves were surprisingly good this morning.   After seeing Bowls totally flat yesterday, I wasn’t expecting this.  And everybody else was expecting it flat so maybe that’s why hardly anybody was out?  Lucky us.

Style is everything.  Looking smooth and stylish.

This girl just asked me “how can I get better?”  I told her “you are better so just continue to make everything muscle memory.”

A lot calmer so looking a lot cooler.  Once this muscle memory sets in, it’s time to take it to the next level.

We had a great time this morning and the photos show how fun the waves were.

Straight from surfing Bowls, I went to meet my dive buddies and we dove all day long.  Drove the boat 22 miles (35km) straight out to sea and dropped into the deepest blue ocean.  We saw fish, a monk seal, and lots of aggressive sharks.  It was a crazy day!

Didn’t eat lunch today and came home at 5:30pm.  91 degrees in my house and I thought I was going to faint.  The hottest and longest day of my life.  I hope I can wake up tomorrow morning.  Goodnight.
