Sweet White Butterfly


Another beautiful day in Hawaii.  A perfect day for starting off this girls new year.  Happy Birthday girl!  

After surfing at Bowls, we paddled over to Rockpiles.  There were 7 locals out so we just caught a wave and went it.  We already caught our fair share at Bowls.  These days at Rockpiles are for the Uncles.  

Drove through Waikiki and watched the tourists at Canoes.  Crazy!

Round 2 at Diamond Head.  Slight onshore but really fun waves.  

While we were diving 20 miles off Oahu, I saw a boat in the distance that looked very familiar.  It was Benji and the boys.  So happy they caught fish too!

Round 3 we drove up into the mountains.  Turned off the A/C, rolled down the windows, and enjoyed the freshest air in the world.  The ginger was in full bloom so it was sweetness on every breath.  

I think this is called White Butterfly Ginger and it has a strong sweet fragrance.  So sweet!

On the very top of the mountain on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.  The air quality doesn’t get any better than this.
