Dive Partners and Shark Frenzy


When you do the kind of extreme free diving we do, you better have dive partners you can trust with your life.  I’ve known Kimo Gasper since he was a teenager.  We surfed contests together back in the late 1980’s.  We went to Japan for the World Contest in 1990, and since then, we’ve been friends.  Getting barreled at Big Rights to spearing fish, we’re doing what we love.  So I you asked me if I trust Kimo with my life, I’d say “100% yes.”  Thank you Nick too for taking turns watching out for each other.    

That is Oahu which is over 20 miles away so you’re basically in the middle of the ocean.  You will encounter the most wildest things you can ever imagine out here.  If you’re scared of sharks, this is the last place you want to jump in.  

One guy on the boat watching the two others.  And the two others watching each other diving down into the deep unknown.  It’s teamwork and at the end of the day, you’re better friends then you were the day before.  

Thank you Kimo for capturing this special moment.  Every fish I take from the sea is a special moment as I’m very grateful for the food it provides me and my family.

After you shoot your fish, you better bring it up as fast as possible.  If you don’t, the sharks will try to take it.  And once the sharks takes a bite out of it, there will be a frenzy in the water and your fish will disappear in seconds.  And after your fish is gone, you better hope the sharks don’t think you’re a fish too.

