Free Meditation


Today was very interesting.  We went out on the boat and it was very calm and clean.  We started diving and everything was perfect underwater.  Then 40 minutes later, the ocean suddenly changed.  It got really rough, the current got strong, and the water got dirty.  It happened so fast!  

I was looking for shells.  It’s very peaceful to be in total silence in a total different world.  You don’t need to meditate if you free dive because this is meditation.  Thank you Mighty Mouse for the photos.  

Feeling comfortable is the key to longer breath holds.  So making sure you’re warm and weighted properly is important.  The girls are figuring it out therefore staying underwater a lot longer.  

Came home and ate more sashimi for dinner.  Fresh and free fish taste the best.  

Can’t believe they are selling Christmas trees already.  Isn’t it too early?  

This is not from today.  This is from our last trip to Okinawa.  And this was not from underwater.  This was from a white sandy beach.  

About 30 years ago, you could walk on any sandy beach in Hawaii and find shells like this.  Not anymore.  

Hayato went diving in the day and cooked us a wonderful seafood dinner.  Thank you for sharing your dream life with us…
