ONE: Catch and Release


Surfed Bowls this morning.  Chest high and very good conditions.  My new board feels like riding a wild horse.  I’m trying to hold on!

Check out this new sticker I just got.  Two of the biggest projects of my life combined into ONE.  “We are One, and Go-Naminori.”  When ever I look at this sticker, it will bring me JOY!  

About 2000 workers at the Hilton Hawaiian Village hotel are on strike now.  I can understand both sides and hope there is a solution soon.  

For the hotel workers, going on strike means not getting paid now.  For the hotels, workers on strike means no hotel service now.  Everybody loses.  

So grateful for Neal Miyake to keep on sending me photos.  This makes me want to surf more and more.  

This photo popped up on my phone.  I took the boys to hunt lobsters when they were young and Seth grabbed the biggest one.  I told them to hold it up for a photo, and then put it back in the ocean.  It’s called “catch and release.”
